Sunday, November 2, 2008


So Saturday night my husband and I got into a conversation/argument about what irony is. He explained it one way and then I gave examples of what I thought irony was. I explained something such as an intended outcome vs. reality in which he argued that that was an unfortunate event, not irony. Ironically enough on the wikipedia website my definition is often argued as to weather it IS irony based on older definitions. But my definition is accepted so I win! Well, we agreed that we both won really... So I have here some fun links so you can read about irony and ironic situations. Just for fun.

Wikipedia Irony

This is kind of amusing, apparently it is a guide on how white people can be ironic, seems a tad racy though for those with less of a sense of humor. Actually the whole blog site makes you giggle a little and mutter to yourself "oh my god."


T-town Girl said...

Yes I do love that blog for so many reasons. Apperantly, I am not alone.

Jovialgirl said...

hooray. i am happy that we are on the same page.