Monday, November 3, 2008

Remember when we thought this was awesome...

I remember waking up every Saturday morning and being SOO excited to watch this! If I didn't get to watch it (because of Saturday morning Garage Sailing with my Mom or something), I would HAVE TO tape it later. I was so into the show that afterward, I would often dress up like a Power Ranger (the Red Ranger because I had a red Chicago Bulls jacket at the time) and using sticks that I fashioned into Power Swords or Power Axes, fight the evil monsters (Trees, bushes, or Ant piles) that Rika sent at me. Sometimes I was even fortunate enough to get a friend or two from the neighborhood to play with me. I was still always the Red Ranger because of my Jacket, forcing them to be the Blue Ranger or Yellow Ranger (the Black Ranger was always reserved for our black friend Marshal, whether he was there or not... which resulted in someone always having to use a girl's voice). No one was ever the Green Ranger. He was waaay too cool to be. He always just helped us out at the last moment (in the form of a falling branch or big rock that smashed whatever it was that we were fighting). And how could we not be SUPER EXCITED to play such roles with such an AWESOME show like you see above. Hmm...

1 comment:

T-town Girl said...

Oh the things I missed out on by not having TV!