Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog

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I love this! In fact i think I will listen to the soundtrack on my way to school.
If I could be a villain or a super hero I think I would be a hero gone bad. I could name a few but I think the people knowing the names of these established heroes are not likely to frequent my blog. I will make them up.
1. I would have ultra telekinetic power! I would be consumed by my passion of my power and it would ruin me and the WHOLE WORLD. But perhaps love would stop me in the nic of time.

I have more. But I have to go to school now. I will write again!

1 comment:

T-town Girl said...

I tried to get sucked into this and I have to admit that the Doggie Houser thing helped but I think my hatred of musicals won in this case. Then again, maybe what the experiance just needed wine. Lots of wine.